About the MDC Arabic Press Archives

MDC Archives.  Credit:  Israel Sun
The MDC Arabic Press Archives.  Photo credit:  Israel Sun

All visits in the Arabic Press Archives must be scheduled in advance – no walk ins.

For any questions, please contact us by mail

[arabicarchive@hotmail.com or talimarc@tauex.tau.ac.il].

The Arabic Press Archives of the Moshe Dayan Center at Tel-Aviv University are one of the largest and the most comprehensive collections of modern and contemporary Arabic-language newspapers in the world. 

The MDC Arabic Press Archives  are especially useful for scholars and organizations from around the world conducting research projects in Middle Eastern and Arabic studies, and other fields as well.  

Our archives include more than one thousand reels of microfilmed newspapers, the first of which appeared in 1887.

Hard Copies
Our collection contains more than 10,000 individual titles of newspapers, magazines, and periodicals in Arabic, Turkish, Persian, English, and French, as well as other regional languages, such as Tamazight (Berber). 

Digital Materials
Our servers currently store over 30 terabytes (30,000 gigabytes) of digital newspapers that have been downloaded on a daily basis over the past two decades.  In addition, we are continually digitizing our hard-copy holdings so as to preserve them for future generations.  Currently, over one million pages of newspapers from Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, among other countries, have been scanned and stored.

Visiting Procedures
Use of the MDC Arabic Press Archives would be possible only by coordinating in advance.
Please contact us at arabicarchive@hotmail.com or at talimarc@tauex.tau.ac.il. Please be as specific as possible with your request.
The archives' staff will make sure the requested newspapers are available and bring them out from storage to our reading room.
For checking our catalogs, press here.