About the MDC Library and Information Center

MDC Library
The MDC Library. Credit: The library staff

Please notice,

MDC Library opening hours during Academic Year 2023-2024 are:

Sunday - Monday, 8:30 - 16:00,

Tuesday - Thursday, 8:30 - 17:00.

The MDC Library contains an extensive collection of journals, articles, archival materials (including the British Archive Editions), reports, economic sources and statistical data, and other reference materials. The library is part of DATA, the Israeli academic library computer system, which provides access to all academic catalogs and databases in Israel as well as to many academic libraries in the world.

The library publishes regular updates which are essentially links to the full-text of reports, policy papers and briefings published by think tanks, institutes, and research centers the world over, on subjects related to the modern Middle East, North Africa and Islam.

Readers from Israel and abroad are welcome at the library; our collection is geared towards both the local and international student or researcher of the Middle East. The staff is professional and friendly and highly trained to assist in locating materials.

Opening Hours during Academic Year 2023-2024:

Sunday - Monday, 8:30 - 16:00,

Tuesday - Thursday, 8:30 - 17:00.


MDC Library is located at Gilman Building, 4th floor, room 452.


The visit at the library is on the basis of available seating only. 

No prior arrangements are needed.

Rakefet Maor-Cohen, MDC Librarian

Tel: 972-3-640 95 84    Fax: 972-3-641 58 02

Email: dayanlib@tauex.tau.ac.il