Gaza war reveals a new Iron Curtain descending across the world

Dr. Michael Milshtein argues in Ynet News that there is a new “Iron Curtain” dividing the world between different perceptions of truth and morality.

"The struggle to evoke international compassion for the war crimes perpetrated against Israeli citizens on October 7 is not rooted in dysfunctional public diplomacy, but forms part of the ongoing need to contend with a global “counter-culture” founded on a cynical, one-dimensional interpretation of the term truth.

This camp consists of the majority of the Arab Muslim world, Russia, China, some countries in Africa and Asia, as well as Western Muslim communities that serve as the vanguard of the global anti-Israel campaign. Members of this camp are dictatorial or authoritarian, and their peoples are weak populations that succumb to and, at times, side with the ideological escapades of their local regimes."

*The opinions expressed in MDC publications are the authors’ alone.

Read the full article in English - Ynet News, 8.12.2023

Read the full article in Hebrew - Ynet, 14.11.2023.