Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs - Special Issue (Hiwar)


The Moshe Dayan Center (MDC)'s Hiwar Forum, with support from the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Israel office, has published a special issue in the Foreign Policy Research Institute's journal, Orbis: A Journal of World Affairs.

In the spirit of the MDC's Hiwar Forum for Intra-Regional Dialogue, the issue focuses on regional analysis on a subject of mutual interest. In this case, post-Abraham Accords regional security order. We also included European and American "discussants" for their perspectives. As such, the issue includes contributions from Omar Al-Ubaydli, Mohamed Chtatou, Farah Bdour, Cinzia Bianco and Corrado Cok, Josh Krasna and Hadar Lasry, and Lindsay Benstead.


Table of Contents:

  1. Guest Editor's Corner - Joshua S. Krasna
  2. Saudi Arabia's Reluctant Regionalism - Brandon Friedman
  3. Weak Homegrown Research Proves an Obstacles to Middle East Security - Omar Al-Ubaydli
  4. Jordan and the Abraham Accords - Farah Bdour
  5. Israel and the Emerging Strategic Architecture in the Middle East - Joshua S. Krasna amd Hadar Lasry
  6. The Moroccan-Israeli Geostrategic Relationship: From a Harmonious Past to a Promising Future - Mohamed Chtatou
  7. Europe Vis-A-Vis the Changing Regional Order in the MENA - Cinzia Bianco and Corrado Cok
  8. The US View of the Transforming Strategic Context in the MENA - Lindsay J. Benstead
  9. The Future of Global Uncertainty - Bilahari Kausikan

You can browse the issues' contents here