Islamic Movement in Israel
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The Islamic Movement in Israel
Inbal Tal has published a book review in "Bustan: The Middle East Book Review" of Tilde Rosmer's "The Islamic Movement in Israel".
“The New Way”: The Key to Understanding Ra’am’s Strategy
The current issue of Bayan includes two articles that discuss the ideological and political characteristics of the Ra’am party, which is the political arm of the Islamic Movement, headed by Mansour Abbas. Dr. Michael Milshtein's article analyses Ra’am’s political strategy, which is referred to as “The New Way”.
Is there anything new in Mansour Abbas’ declaration concerning the “Jewish State”?
The current issue of Bayan includes two articles that discuss the ideological and political characteristics of the Ra’am party, which is the political arm of the Islamic Movement, headed by Mansour Abbas. Dr. Arik Rudnitzky's article examines the declaration by Abbas regarding the Jewish State from a historical point of view.
Traditional Muslims opposition to the Islamic Movement in Israel: Kafr Qasim as a case study
This issue of Bayan contains an in-depth essay by Ariel Ben Solomon dealing with current developments in the ranks of the southern faction of the Islamic movement in Israel.
The “Trust and Reform” Party: New Arab Politics in Israel?
Arik Rudnitzky, the Project Manager for Tel Aviv University's Konrad Adenauer Program for Jewish-Arab Cooperation, explains the background of the founders of a new political party in Israel and what the party means for Arab politics in Israel.
Women’s Activism in the Islamic Movement in Israel: Influence and Characteristics (Hebrew)
Dr. Inbal Tal writes about the role of women within the Islamic Movement of Israel. In Hebrew.