מלחמת "חרבות ברזל" - עדכון מרכז משה דיין, 5.11.2023

חוקרי מרכז משה דיין באמצעי התקשורת הישראלים והבינלאומיים.

During the past week, Israel’s ground offensive into Gaza began. Israeli forces cut Gaza in half, separating north and south and are engaged in combat throughout the greater Gaza City area. Hamas released a video statement from three of the Israeli hostages but the hostage issue has receded from the public spotlight with the beginning of the ground war in Gaza.

Jordan withdrew its Ambassador to Israel late in the week, and U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken was in Tel Aviv on Friday and then Amman for a summit on Saturday to meet with Arab leaders from Egypt, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and the PLO about the war. The Arab states demanded an immediate ceasefire and condemned Israel’s military operation. Pro-Palestinian protests movements erupted across the West over the weekend, with tens of thousands taking to the streets in Berlin, London, Paris, and Washington. Hizballah’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, delivered a speech on Friday explaining Hizballah’s view of the war.

In our continued effort to keep you well-informed, we have included below a list of media and public appearances of the MDC researchers during the past week. Our researchers are continuing to make every effort to interpret and explain the fast-moving developments in this conflict for the general public and our community of subscribers.



פרופ' עוזי רבי מנתח במעריב (29 באוקטובר 2023) את ההשלכות האזוריות והבינלאומיות של המלחמה.

ד"ר מיכאל מילשטיין מנתח ב-YNET (ב-29 באוקטובר 2023) את ההצעות השונות שעולות בישראל בנוגע לעתיד רצועת עזה.

פרופ' עוזי רבי התראיין ל-N12 (ב-31 באוקטובר 2023) ודיבר על ההיסטוריה של החות'ים בתימן והקשר שלהם לאיראן.

ד"ר הראל חורב התראיין לגלובס (1 בנובמבר 2023) בנושא רשת המנהרות שהקים חמאס ברצועת עזה.



Prof. Eyal Zisser was interviewed for the podcast TAU Unbound (October 26, 2023) analyzing the origins of the war in Gaza and the regional perspective with an emphasis on Iran and Syria.

Dr. Harel Chorev spoke on TVP World (October 28, 2023) about UN General Assembly call for truce.

Dr. Michael Milshtein was interviewed by BBC (October 29, 2023) discussing Gaza's future and the need to make plans for the day after.

Dr. Michael Milshtein was quoted in The Wall Street Journal (October 30, 2023) regarding Israel aiming to destroy the network of tunnels beneath Gaza.

Prof. Uzi Rabi was interviewed for the podcast State of Tel Aviv, and Beyond (October 30, 2023) discussing the origins and ideology of Hamas.

Dr. Harel Chorev was interviewed by Globes (November 1, 2023) discussing the network of tunnels beneath Gaza.

Dr. Michael Milshtein was interviewed by DW (November 1, 2023) regarding the connections between Iran and the Qassam Brigades of Hamas.



Dr. Harel Chorev spoke on BBC News al-Arabi (November 4, 2023) about Israel’s ground offensive into Gaza Strip.



Dr. Michael Milshtein was quoted in El-Universo (November 1, 2023) regarding Gaza's future and the need to make plans for the day after.



Dr. Michael Milshtein and Dr. Harel Chorev were quoted in CT24 (October 31, 2023) discussing Gaza's future and the need to make plans for the day after.



Dr. Michael Milshtein was quoted in Politiken (October 31, 2023) regarding Gaza's future and the need to make plans for the day after.



Dr. Harel Chorev was quoted in Philenews (October 29, 2023) about the necessity to eliminate Hamas.



Dr. Michael Milshtein was quoted in Zaobao (November 2, 2023) regarding Gaza's future and the need to make plans for the day after.



Dr. Michael Milshtein was quoted in BBC Indonesia (October 29, 2023) discussing Gaza's future and the need to make plans for the day after.



Dr. Harel Chorev and Dr. Michael Milshtein were quoted in Dantri (November 2, 2023) regarding the potential risk in completely eliminating Hamas.