Yitzhak Gal

Yitzhak Gal

Yitzhak Gal (MBA, Tel Aviv University) is a researcher at the Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies and a long-time researcher of Middle East economic issues. He has published dozens of articles and academic research papers, and has presented papers in conferences and workshops on topics such as the Palestinian economy and Israeli – Palestinian economic relations; the Arabian Gulf economies and markets; the Egyptian and Jordanian economies, among others. Gal is also a frequent lecturer on Middle East economic and business issues to Israeli public and professional audiences.

Gal consults on Middle Eastern economies and markets to public and business sector entities: Israeli government ministries and agencies, international organizations and NGOs; as well as international and Israeli companies in various fields of business. Gal has been involved, inter alia, in large economic research projects, strategic and business analyses in the Israeli–Palestinian and Israeli–Jordanian context, as well as the Arabian Gulf, Egypt, and the Middle East at large. Gal’s numerous consulting works have covered many fields of business: agriculture and water, energy (oil and gas, renewable energy), banking and insurance, transportation and logistics, industry (chemicals, food, textile, etc.), ICT, and more.